Monday, August 18, 2014

Wine Pairing Tip: What to Eat with Your White Wine

Wine Pairing Tip: What to Eat with Your White Wine

It's easy to remember the classic rule of thumb - white wines pair with white meat - like fish and chicken. But have you struggled to go a little deeper to match the flavors in the dish with the right white wine?

One tip for white wine pairings is to pair a white wine with citrus undertones with a dish you've enhanced with lemon. 

For example, a nice grilled salmon with a splash of lemon juice will pair nicely with a Sauvignon Blanc. The citrus notes of this acidic white wine will cut the fat in the salmon creating a perfect combination of flavors and textures.

Be careful with your fish dishes not to choose a wine that will overpower the delicate texture and flavors of your seafood.

For a chicken dish, try a creating a beurre blanc sauce (similar to the beurre rouge we shared a few weeks ago...only with white wine) to elevate a simple grilled chicken breast. A bottle of Chardonnay works well for a creamy chicken dish like this due to its buttery flavor. 

Remember with chicken dishes, you don't always have to follow the rules. Chicken can be a blank slate when it comes to wine pairings, and it all depends on the sauce or seasonings. 

Explore these alternative wine pairing combinations for your next chicken dinner:
  • Sauvignon Blanc works well with dishes using green spices like rosemary and thyme, or citrus dishes.
  • Riesling and Gewurztraminer work well with spicy chicken dishes, because if there sweetness. 
  • Merlot is a jammy wine so drink this with heavy tomato sauce recipes.
  • Pinot Noir is a great wine to go with salty chicken dishes.

What is your favorite white wine pairing? Comment and let us know what you think...then, share this wine pairing tip with your friends.

Cheers wine friends!


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